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Forget New Year's Resolutions...

December 28, 2017

Forget New Year's Resolutions...

Dear 2017: "So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, good night!" I know you are thinking this is going to be a New Year's resolutions post, but unlike many people, I don't like to set resolutions, because I have NEVER been able to keep them.

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2002 list - Get abs like Britney Spears and own a snake: I joined a gym but never really went after the first few weeks... Never got a snake.

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2009 plan - Quit smoking cigarettes: I made it to the end of my work shift on New Years Day.

2012 goals - Quit sugar and chocolate: That lasted for about one week and then I found myself running around like this...

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I failed. Every. single. time. It's not that I didn't WANT to go to the gym, quit smoking, or quit sugar and chocolate (or get a snake and be a sexy slave), it's just that I wasn't truly ready to change my life. So I would start my year feeling like a loser and a failure - AGAIN - because I couldn't stick to all of the resolutions.

Don't get me wrong, I totally believe in goal setting, but I have found a practice that feels much more empowering and takes away the pressure that New Year's resolutions often bring. At the end of the year, I review the past year and reflect on the good, the bad, and the u-g-l-y things that I have overcome. I find gratitude for everything... and I mean EVERYTHING. Even the things at which I "failed". Those failures were the stepping stones to so many of my proudest, most amazing achievements.

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Then, I set an INTENTION for the year ahead. Setting intentions are like creating road maps towards the destinations where you want to go. Intentions help me dream big and stay focused at the same time. A few years ago, I set the intention to love myself more every day.

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It was the most beautiful, life-changing year of my life, where every day I woke up and asked myself, "How can I love myself more today?" By setting the intention to love myself more and by making daily choices in alignment with that intention, I was finally able to make changes in my life. And HUZZAH!! I finally quit smoking, because I understood at a cellular level how truly precious my body was.

So I ask you: What if these were your intentions for 2018? What kind of choices would you make? How will you feel at 11:59 pm on 12/31/2018 if you had these intentions guiding you along your path for the whole year?

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This year I think my intention will be to let my light shine bright everywhere I go 😄 Come on 2018!!! Big Money, No Whammies!!!

Love ya!

Natty C

The Self Love Warrior

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Size Guide

Relax. Don't worry. If you don’t like the way it fits, you can return it… no questions asked.  It’s important to us that you LOVE the way Dare Fashion makes you feel about yourself!

Among the images for each product listing is a style-specific size chart. For our tops and dresses, you can get your Dare size with ONLY ONE measurement of your bust!

Please use the size charts as a guideline. Our fashion is made to these specifications, but due to variations in the stretchiness of the fabric and how it is sewn, there may be some slight deviations from this chart. But please rest assured, all of our styles are designed to fit a range of body types, with features such as stretch fabrics, corset lace-ups,  and spaghetti ties in the back to customize the fit.

And did we mention... if it doesn’t fit, you can return it, no questions asked! So buy with confidence. And if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us - we're here to help!